Garden Growth
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Can a botanical garden compete with other more high profile tourist entities? Can it broaden its appeal beyond garden aficionados and become a place kids and families would actually want to visit? Touring the gardens, we saw firsthand all the various involuntary reactions the plantings provoked: from wonder to awe to amusement. That observation led us to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the plants and focus instead on their effect on people. Apparently, our intuition was well founded. Garden membership increased by 18% and revenues rose 24%. How's that for growth?
Can a botanical garden compete with other more high profile tourist entities? Can it broaden its appeal beyond garden aficionados and become a place kids and families would actually want to visit? Touring the gardens, we saw firsthand all the various involuntary reactions the plantings provoked: from wonder to awe to amusement. That observation led us to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the plants and focus instead on their effect on people. Apparently, our intuition was well founded. Garden membership increased by 18% and revenues rose 24%. How's that for growth?
Can a botanical garden compete with other more high profile tourist entities? Can it broaden its appeal beyond garden aficionados and become a place kids and families would actually want to visit? Touring the gardens, we saw firsthand all the various involuntary reactions the plantings provoked: from wonder to awe to amusement. That observation led us to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the plants and focus instead on their effect on people. Apparently, our intuition was well founded. Garden membership increased by 18% and revenues rose 24%. How's that for growth?
Can a botanical garden compete with other more high profile tourist entities? Can it broaden its appeal beyond garden aficionados and become a place kids and families would actually want to visit? Touring the gardens, we saw firsthand all the various involuntary reactions the plantings provoked: from wonder to awe to amusement. That observation led us to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the plants and focus instead on their effect on people. Apparently, our intuition was well founded. Garden membership increased by 18% and revenues rose 24%. How's that for growth?
Can a botanical garden compete with other more high profile tourist entities? Can it broaden its appeal beyond garden aficionados and become a place kids and families would actually want to visit? Touring the gardens, we saw firsthand all the various involuntary reactions the plantings provoked: from wonder to awe to amusement. That observation led us to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the plants and focus instead on their effect on people. Apparently, our intuition was well founded. Garden membership increased by 18% and revenues rose 24%. How's that for growth?